How to use artificial intelligence for presentations: A Pitch Avatar review
Are you looking for the best practices for online presentations? Do you want to know how to create AI hosts and speakers, how to engage online audience with AI, and how to generate leads and close deals with online presentations? If so, you are in the right place. In this blog post, we will share with you our experience of using Pitch Avatar by ROI4Presenter, an AI presentation assistant that can help you achieve all these goals and more.
Pitch Avatar is a a team of experts in the field of artificial intelligence and online communication. They have developed a solution that can help you find a balance between human and artificial intelligence input in the process of engaging with the online content and event audience.
The rapid development of artificial intelligence has divided the authors and speakers of presentations into two camps, speaking in political terms. Some think that automation will soon reach the point where people will only have to define tasks, and everything else, including interacting with the audience, will be done by AI. Their opponents argue that artificial intelligence will only produce cheap and generic content, and high-quality presentations that can truly appeal to the needs and wallets of potential customers will always be the result of human work. “Robots belong in factories and plants. Leave creativity and communication to people” – that’s their motto.
We believe that while working on Pitch Avatar, we found a kind of “golden mean” that will satisfy both AI-optimists and AI-skeptics. We are happy to share our tips on which part of the communication with the audience can be delegated to artificial intelligence, and which part should be kept by the person.
1. “Live” AI Hosts.
Modern presenter assistants based on artificial intelligence have improved so much that hosts and speakers don’t need to perform live or on record in front of the audience. Take our Pitch Avatar for example. With its help, you can create AI hosts and speakers based on uploaded images – both real and fictional. These images will voice any text in any language, in any chosen style and with any chosen intonations. In other words – you and your speakers can conduct a presentation … without spending time on it. And if the situation requires fictional hosts and speakers – you can easily create them. From this, it follows a simple conclusion – you can safely entrust the main part of the presentation to AI hosts and speakers. They will do it no worse, and maybe even better than people. Of course, the presentation will not become worse or less interesting from the viewers’ perspective.
2. Simple Questions - AI Answers.
AI presenter assistants can perfectly replace a person in such an important matter as answering questions and comments from the audience. In this case, they can use both predefined and generated answers and reactions, based on their “experience” acquired through various forms of training. If they encounter a question or comment that goes beyond their capabilities, the AI assistant will call a person.
3. What’s Left for the Person?
The most interesting part. First of all, the presenter has to create a script, prepare and edit the text and visuals. In this, he can also get help and support from AI. But the main creative idea and the final decision were and will probably remain for the person for a long time. In addition, as it is clear from the previous section, the person will have to respond to really complex questions and comments. And most importantly. It is the person who will have to warm up leads and close deals in the post-presentation communication.
Summing up, we want to note that thanks to AI assistants, such as Pitch Avatar, the line between live and recorded has almost disappeared. By and large, the only criterion that distinguishes one from the other will be the speed of human reaction to those questions and comments that go beyond the competence of AI. Using all the possibilities of ROI4Presenter and Pitch Avatar, you will receive a message in time that the viewer wants to communicate with a person and you will be able to react to him without long pauses, typical for ordinary online content, which the audience gets acquainted with in the recording.
Good luck, successful presentations and high incomes!
Source: ROI4Presenter Blog
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