The Presentation Library Is Always With Me — In My Pocket
The presentation has been, and remains to be, an important communication tool, and a sales tool in particular. Usually, you learn about a new product or service from slides accompanied by an explanation by the speaker (presenter). Almost every salesperson has taken a course on “the art of effective presentation.” Over 50 million presentations are created every day in the world, and the number of PowerPoint users has exceeded half a billion.
If the presentation is so important for sales, why has its concept hardly changed for decades, despite new challenges?
When you create a presentation, you still don't know how to make it generally informative and personal at the same time. After all, it is enough for some potential customers to show only a brief presentation, and some of them require clarification of technical details.
If you create a presentation for a colleague or partner, there is no guarantee that they'll interpret your idea correctly and present each slide properly. The world changes and presentations are still not interactive or personalized.
How to make a presentation really effective?
The new service Roi4Presenter, developed by the Austrian company ROI4CIO, offers a rethought vision of effective presentation use.
In the mobile application the seller stores a list of ready-made presentations that are centrally updated and contain both a text prompt and the author's voice for each slide. There are also separate slides to help the presenter answer frequently asked questions from the audience on the presentation subject.
You no longer have to dig through piles of presentations, looking for the latest version with the required slide. Managers will no longer tediously read the slide’s text, but will be able to use the prompt with the slide’s script, instead.

The speaker can watch the deck and prepare for the presentation. It is also possible to create a web link and send it to the listener so that they can watch the slide with the recorded voice or video.

The key feature is that the user can follow the link at a convenient time for them, and the link owner receives a notification in the app and sees what the user is doing and listening to on the site. Further, the presenter can retake control of the presentation and continue the slide show online, but there is also an option to communicate with a potential client using a camera and microphone. And it happens directly in the presentation.
From the user's point of view, the direct voice contact from the browser is quite unexpected. However, this method allows one to access the client immediately and start communicating with the person of interest right then and there, without having to agree on the time of the presentation or webinar.

If the presenter is busy and cannot chat right then, the app will send a report with the details of what the user watched.
A great feature of the product is that the listener can choose the presentation duration (for example, view only a short pitch). They can also grade slides and show their attitude toward certain slides. This approach allows the presenter to save time on repeating the same material and to focus on personal questions and answers.

The listener also benefits because there is no longer a need to guess and try to coordinate a time for webinars or presentations. A user can open the link at any time, learn about the product and chat with an expert online, or glance through a digest with the main points.
The presenter can make a presentation anytime and anywhere using a smartphone as a remote control. Each presentation slide can be equipped with text notes for the speaker. There are also answers to frequently asked questions.
Presentations that are always with you
Now you can forget the phrase: “I will find and send you the presentation later.” You can immediately share a link via messenger or send a QR code. The client will view the presentation and communicate with a specialist when it is convenient, or listen to a well-recorded and polished short pitch.
A presentation can also be embedded on a web page as a video and you can ask viewers to enter their contact data to continue watching, and then use this data for lead generation.
On the one hand, the presenter should show the main content in 5-10 slides to focus the audience’s attention, on the other hand, during the Q&A session, 20 more slides may be needed. Where is the compromise? The app offers a special list of frequently asked questions and the option to show slides with answers immediately.
Roi4Presenter has reinvented the use of remote sales presentations, and now your presentations are always with you and ready to use.
On the one hand, the presenter should show the main content in 5-10 slides to focus the audience’s attention, on the other hand, during the Q&A session, 20 more slides may be needed. Where is the compromise? The app offers a special list of frequently asked questions and the option to show slides with answers immediately.
Roi4Presenter has reinvented the use of remote sales presentations, and now your presentations are always with you and ready to use.
*Source: Blog Roi4Presenter
*Source: Blog Roi4Presenter
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