Digest, May 2021

๐Greeting! We blinked few times and the Spring is over already. Hopefully, the Summer will be a bit longer. And before everybody has gone to the beaches, let’s take a quick glance at ROI4CIO sites news. In May to the catalog was added:
๐25 companies. These are software and chatbot developers, architecture firms, and marketing agencies.
๐5 IT-products. They are Learning Management and Experience Platforms and CAD Solutions.
There is a new publication in our blog:
๐10 Most Dangerous New Malware and Security Threats in 2021. Considering what malware entities nowadays can do, what do you think are the most dangerous Threats to watch out for in 2021? While constantly evolving, attackers seek new strategies and exploits to defraud and damage individuals and organizations. Some are so stealthy that a basic Anti-Malware cannot detect them. Some older cyber threats and strategies remain amongst the most dangerous threats in 2021 and possibly beyond.
As usual, we invite you to visit ROI4CIO’s Facebook and LinkedIn pages — there you will find weekly updates, fresh case studies, and news from the IT world ๐
Stay safe, meet us here in the Summer! ๐ด
ROI4CIO’s Team
ROI4CIO’s Team
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