Digest, March 2021
🖖We are greeting you twice: firstly, in this Digest, and secondly, in Spring! March didn’t spoil us a lot with the warm weather, but a calendar is on our side 😉
So, let's take a look, what the ROI4CIO team has uploaded this month to the site.
There are new:
🚀 35 companies. These are vendors of online surveys, telecommunications services providers, information, and marketing agencies.
🚀 13 IT-products. Mostly these are solutions and services for online survey conduction, feedback gathering, and management.
Wow! That was the shortest digest that we ever had😅! Hopefully, we’ll back next month with more news. As for now, we invite you to visit ROI4CIO’s Facebook — here you’ll find fresh case studies and news from the IT world 🌍
Take care of yourself and meet us here in April!🌷
ROI4CIO’s Content Team
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