ROI4CIO Pays For IT Product Information

ROI4CIO have announced that they will be rewarding users for the content they create.

Any portal user can upload information about IT products in exchange for points called roicoins. Information about product quality will be confirmed by vendors and information about product deployments by end users. Points can be redeemed for rebates on purchases from vendors and suppliers, or their cash equivalent withdrawn to a PayPal account. Content authors will receive upwards of $30 for a report on IT product deployment, up to $150 for a configuration calculator or a ROI calculator. Learn more

Natalia Zorba, Customer Success Manager: "The underlying idea is to collect all answers to common questions about prices, benefits, comparisons with rival products, success stories and make them available to both vendors and end users.”

At ROI4CIO, we collect the fullest possible information about IT products so as to recommend the most fitting solutions for users. The service also enables IT product merchants to begin selling new products quickly.

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